What the past tells us about out future, and it’s not pretty.

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How could we possible project where we as a country are headed? Look at the past. Do you guys think history repeats itself? Do you think what happened in the past will happen again? I would say yes and no. Mark twain once said “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme” I love that quote and feel that it accurately reflects our past and present. The simple gravity behind the quote is really understood when you reflect on the quote and compare it with your understanding of historical events and even your own personal life experiences.  The past doesn’t repeat itself, for example simply comparing one world war and its after affects with another world war, doesn’t quite fit. Also, compare one ancient empire collapsing isn’t a guaranteed repetition of another country collapsing. But they are similar enough to compare like two rhyming words.

Now hold on Im going somewhere I promise. Theres another saying …ones who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it.  But what happens when one segment of civilization knows the history and one doesn’t? Or one company knows history and historical data and one doesn’t. Can something or someone benefit from this knowledge of historical events? Can it be weaponized? Sure!!!

The ones who don’t know history may be doomed to repeate it, and those who do know history can/will use it to their advantage. The knowledge of history is not for nothing.

The fact is, that is the struggle right now. Our current events locally, nationally, and globally are being made to rhyme intentionally by the ones who benefit from it, and the last thing those people want is for the average person to recognize this pattern and push back.

This isn’t a dr Suess rhyme book, this is a strategic well thought out, well funded, and brilliantly executed chess game. The Hegelian dialectic is a philosophy developed in the 19th-century by Georg Friedrich Hegel. It’s a method of analyzing the framework behind the development of ideas that shaped history through the lens of three major categories thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Thesis: An initial idea or state of affairs.
  • Antithesis: The opposition or contradiction to the initial idea.
  • Synthesis: The resolution of the conflict between thesis and antithesis, which transcends both and becomes the starting point for a new thesis.

The ultimate goal is to continue to progress….

This philosophy was built on by another 19th century philosopher Karl Marx. Marx took this framework and added to it to become Marxist Materialism. Marx basically agreed with the general framework of thesis, antithesis, synthesis but added his ideals on material circumstances. Marx believed that although the synthesis approach is the way to progress, he also though that our ideas on normal (thesis) or anti thesis are based on materials.

We think this way because we have or have not. In this approach Marx added an actionable element to this otherwise though based philosophy.

Marx used the Hegelian dialectic approach with the use of rich vs poor, working class vs capital class. The only way for the working class to progress was through the use of conflict (Synthesis).

Cool story but what the point? Where is the so called (rhyme) more on that in a bit.

Lets move on to the next line in our tail rhyme poem of history. Fabian Socialism…

Fabian socialism  is an approach to change, social, political, economic. Built on the same platform as you guessed it…..hegelian dialectic. Fabian socialism’s purpose is to advance the principles of social democracy through the gradual  and reformist efforts in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow (Marxism was built on violence).

The idea is hey, we want change. We want progress. We can go smashing skulls, that’s going to piss people off. Lets slowly change the pillars of the house one at a time, paint one wall at a time, change one window at a time. Rather than taking a bulldozer to the house and making a huge mess.

Now you can say but isn’t that democracy? Whats so radical about that? If enough people want something, shouldn’t they be able to vote on that? Well….what if the popular vote is to demolish your home? Or rob your house? Majority wins right? Its actually more nefarious than that. Rather than a bunch of people voting on wether to take someones belongings, they slowly vote on legal ways to invoke the ability to legally take your belongings. This in itself is an acknowledgement of “hey what we want to do isn’t good or legal, so lets change the laws to make it legal” this ironically still acknowledges that the popular vote isnt’ good. If it was, there would be no need to change the laws in the first place..make sense??

If your mind is starting to put some things together, that’s good but we’re not there yet. Fabian socialism was later adopted and renamed as Democratic socialism. Very popular term thrown around in our country and government today.

You can apply the Hegelian dialectic/Marxist materialism/ democratic socialism philosophy to every realm in our country today.

Now take all of this and really analyze whats going on. Its hyperinflated and blown up beyond beliefe.

Rich vs poor

Black vs white

Lgbtq vs straight

Gender affirming vs everybody else

Femanists vs men.

We are all forced to examine where we stand on thoughts, beliefs, social and economic standings etc…but heres a thought.

Lets say we take the privileged whites vs the vilified and abused blacks. Imagine its an actual fence dividing the two sides. We also apply rich vs poor to that already divided group of humans. That further divides….are there rich white folks? Yea…are there rich black folks? Yea….what then? Are they still divided? Is the problem really black vs white? Is it really rich vs poor? Lets divide the human group more. Lets take our rich white vs our poor white vs our rich black vs our poor black,

Lets introduce straight vs lgbtq are there both categories of people in the already segregated subclasses of human groups??? Yupp

This is where the average person needs to really look around and analyze whats being propagated in the media. That’s where this dialectic approach falls apart and why the powers to be do not want you to know. Now hers the kicker….what I just described was a dialectic theory.

I just described to you the power struggle between the evil power hungry and authority weelding powers at work against the average citizen but why???? That’s up to you to discover. You guys have to find the rest of the previous rhymes in this terrible poem of history and use that to forecast what is happening next.

So whats the “so what” behind this all. The answer is learn history, apply analysis, look at the horizon, stay aware of whats going on globally. We will be doing a video on intelligence and intel analysis techniques. Please join us for that

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Pay attention to the problems but focus on the solutions.

~Gen Six solutions.